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(Cina) YYP10000-1 Pemotong Sampel Kusut & Kaku Tester

Katerangan pondok:

The crease & stiffness sample cutter cocog pikeun motong sampel diperlukeun pikeun crease & stiffness test kayaning kertas, kardus jeung lambar ipis.


Rincian produk

Tag produk

I. Pendahuluan:

The crease & stiffness sample cutter cocog pikeun motong sampel diperlukeun pikeun crease & stiffness test kayaning kertas, kardus jeung lambar ipis.


II. fitur produk

Stamping struktur, sampling akurat, merenah tur gancang


III. Palaksanaan standar

QB / T1671



IV. Ukuran sampel

38 * 36 mm


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