YY-CMF Concora Medium Fluter Double-station is suitable for pressing standard corrugator waveform (ie corrugator laboratory corrugator) in corrugator base paper testing. After corrugator, CMT and CCT of corrugator base paper can be measured with computer compression tester, which meets the requirements of QB1061, GB/T2679.6 and ISO7263 standards. Éta pakakas uji idéal kanggo ku cara Polls, panalungtikan ilmiah, lembaga tes kualitas sareng jabatan anu sanésna.
Used to determine the short span compression strength of paper and board. Compression Strength CS (Compression Strength)= kN/m (maximum compression strength/width 15 mm). The instrument uses a high precision pressure sensor with high measurement accuracy. Desain kabukana ngamungkinkeun conto janten gampang disimpen dina palabuhan ujian. Inpormasi dikendali ku layar toél anu diwangun pikeun milih metode uji sareng nembongkeun nilai-nilai anu diukur sareng kurva.
The adjustable pitch cutter is a special sampler for the physical property testing of paper and paperboard. It has the advantages of wide sampling size range, high sampling accuracy and simple operation, and can easily cut the standard samples of tensile test, folding test, tearing test, stiffness test and other tests. Éta mangrupikeun instrumsi ujiitaky anu idéal pikeun kapér, bungkusan, ujian sareng panalungtikan ilmiah sareng dasi.
Ngusuk bahan ku cahaya panonpoé sareng lembit di alam anu nyababkeun karugian ékonomi terbatas sajumlah taun. The damage caused mainly includes fading, yellowing, discoloration, strength reduction, embrittlement, oxidation, brightness reduction, cracking, blurring and chalking. Produk sareng Bahan anu kakeunaan sinar langsung atanapi sasih - dina résolusi anu paling hébat tina pododandage. Bahan kenging wabah Pastivesm, Halogén, AT Oru cahaya cahaya anu sanés pikeun waktos waktos ogé kapangaruhan ku floraggarnasi.
The 800 xenon lamp weather resistance test chamber can be used for tests such as selection of new materials, improvement of existing materials or evaluation of changes in durability after changes in material composition. Alat tiasa ogé simulasi parobihan dina bahan anu kakeunaan sinar panonpoé dina kaayaan lingkungan anu béda.
Alat panggunaan:
2. Gb / T164222.3-1997 GB / T16585-96
YYQL-E series electronic analytical balance adopts internationally recognized high sensitivity, high stability rear electromagnetic force sensor technology, leading the industry similar products in the level of cost performance, innovative appearance, to win higher product pricing initiative, the whole machine texture, rigorous technology , exqualite.
Produk biasana dianggo dina panalungtikan ilmiah, pendidikan, médis, produksi, tatanén sareng industri anu sanés.
Sorot produk:
Sensor kakuatan éléktromagnétik pungkur
· Tamuk Kantor Kantor Kantor Digetikeun, 100% katingali ku conto
· Pelabasan Komikator Amérika Rs222 pikeun sadar komunikasi antara data sareng komputer, printer atanapi alat sanés
· Tampilan LCD anu tiasa dipangaruhan, ngahindarkeun dampak sareng geter kasaimbangan nalika pangguna ngoperasikeun kenop
* Goréng nurunkeun alat anu nganggo hook handap
* Beurat Beurat Beurat Hiji Batal
* Panyitak termal opsional
Eusian timbangan fungsi timbangan timbangan
Potongan timbangan fungsi handap fungsina
Prinsip damel:
Rentang suhu:-20℃+ 150℃
Kakuatan 220 V
a. Compressor: imported from France Taikang full hermetic high efficiency compressor
b. Refrigerant: environmental refrigerant R-404
c. Condenser: air-cooled condenser
d. Evaporator: fin type automatic load capacity adjustment
e. Accessories: desiccant, refrigerant flow window, repair cutting, high voltage protection switch.
f. Sistem ékspansi: Sistem katirisan kanggo kontrol kapasitas mastilary.
a. Zero Zrinkristor Kakuatan Kontrol 2 kelompok (suhu sareng kalembaban unggal grup)
b. Two sets of air burn prevention switches
c. Water shortage protection switch 1 group
d. Compressor high pressure protection switch
e. Compressor overheat protection switch
f. Calik transpressor peringatan
g. Two fast fuses
h. No fuse switch protection
abdi henteu resep Line fuse and fully sheathed terminals
a. Made of Taiwan 60W lengthened stainless steel coil.
b. Multi-wing Chalcosaurus speed up the amount of heat and humidity circulation.
a. Built-in stainless steel water tank 10L
b. Automatic water supply device (pumping water from the lower level to the upper level)
c. Water shortage indication alarm.
a. Controller specifications:
b. Control function:
9. material
Profesional cocog sareng pilem plastik, pilem komposit sareng bahan bungkusan sanésna térmalmal, kedap tekan téras téras. At the same time, it is also suitable for the test of adhesive, adhesive tape, self-adhesive, adhesive composite, composite film, plastic film, paper and other soft materials.
Fitur produk:
2. Téknologi kontrol Suhu tiasa gancang ngahontal suhu nyetél sareng éféktif nyegah turunna suhu
3. Opat Forke-laju, laju uji genep laju pikeun nyumponan kabutuhan tes anu béda
5. Tes kontraksi termal ngokoan sampling sacara otomatis, operasi simpangan, ngirangan kasalahan sareng mastikeun konsistensi data
7. Ngabersihan Zero otomatis, peringatan fol, perlindungan overload, perlindungan stroke sareng desain sanés pikeun mastikeun operasi aman
9. Desain kaamanan anti kaldah, ningkatkeun kasalametan operasi
10. Aksesoris sistem diimpor ti merek dunya-renang sareng prestasi anu stabil sareng tiasa dipercaya
I.instrument E.instrument:
Ii. Status Standar:
ASTM D2299-- leverx bal aerosol bal
Mesin ieu didamel tina baja steeless khusus kualitasna nganggo sistem nyetir anu dipercaya. Its electric heating system is equipped with advanced automatic process controller for simulating actual production conditions and achieving the precise control of temperature and time.
Model Barang | Tindak Pot |
24 | |
Nomer Pot | 24pcs tots baja |
Max. Suhu | 135 ℃ |
Rasio Likur | 1: 5-1: 100 |
Kakayaan | 4 (6) × 1.2kw, ngabeledug motor 25w |
Sedeng | Mindahkeun panas minyak |
Nyetir kakuatan motor | 370w |
Laju puteran | Control Frékuénsi 0-60r / mnt |
Daya motor anu nanganan hawa | 200w |
Dimensi | 24: 860 × 680 × 780mm |
Beurat tukang | 120kg |
Mesin ieu diwangun ku sistem nyetir sareng sistem kontrolna, pemanasan listrik sareng sistem kendali, awak mesin, sareng sajabana