• Ringkesan:



  • 1):




  • Abdi.:


    Rentang suhu:-20+ 150


    Kakuatan    220   V   


    a. Compressor: imported from France Taikang full hermetic high efficiency compressor

    b. Refrigerant: environmental refrigerant R-404

    c. Condenser: air-cooled condenser

    d. Evaporator: fin type automatic load capacity adjustment

    e. Accessories: desiccant, refrigerant flow window, repair cutting, high voltage protection switch.

    f. Expansion system: freezing system for capillary capacity control.

    a. Zero crossing thyristor power controller 2 groups (temperature and humidity each group)

    b. Two sets of air burn prevention switches

    c. Water shortage protection switch 1 group

    d. Compressor high pressure protection switch

    e. Compressor overheat protection switch

    f. Compressor overcurrent protection switch

    g. Two fast fuses

    h. No fuse switch protection

    abdi henteu resep Line fuse and fully sheathed terminals

    a. Made of Taiwan 60W lengthened stainless steel coil.

    b. Multi-wing Chalcosaurus speed up the amount of heat and humidity circulation.

    a. Built-in stainless steel water tank 10L

    b. Automatic water supply device (pumping water from the lower level to the upper level)

    c. Water shortage indication alarm.


    a. Controller specifications:

    b. Control function:

    9. material

    : P





    Ruang lingkup aplikasi:


  • Ringkesan:


    Parameter téknis

  • Nyimpulkeun:




    Ruang lingkup aplikasi:








  • Ringkesan:

    Rintéstawan dina sampel anu dititénan. Labél abu-abu tiasa dianggo salaku rujukan


  • Struktur

  • Mparibil:

    3.display instrumen: 7-in-inci

    Mode 4.operation: Modeu Niley Ekstra, Modeu Program (Proses 100 Setélan 100 Léngkah 999

    dinten (nalika période sampling mangrupikeun 1 / mnt).

    9.Ethernet interface TCP / IP communication protocol two option; dukungan


  • dipake di


  • 3.Temi-580 Waring Street Street Serentak sareng Balikeun Assetler

    4.program Kontrol 30 kelompok 100 bagéan (sajumlah segmen tiasa dikaluarkeun sareng dibagi sareng masing-masing kelompok)

  • :